
Search all Arizona Western College employees. Search by name, title, etc.

Carlos DeLoa
Building Services Technician
Facilities Management & Planning

Susanna DeLoa
Human Resources Specialist I
Human Resources

Barbara Deol
Professor of Nursing

Chelsea Dewey
Professor of Physical Wellness and Education/Head Women’s Basketball Coach
Financial Aid

Reetika Dhawan
Chief Executive Officer of Entrepreneurial College & Vice President of Workforce & Healthcare
Career and Technical Education, Workforce Development

Salil Dhawan
Professor of Computer Information Systems
Business, Education, Honors, Socials, and Behavioral Sciences

Francisco Diaz
Professor of Computer Information Systems
Business, Education, Honors, Socials, and Behavioral Sciences
San Luis Technology Institute-70
(928) 344-7794

Jesus Diaz
Police Officer
Campus Police

Marco Diaz
Director of Guided Pathways
Advisement Services

Marisela Dickman
Office Manager/Analytic Specialist
Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Grants

Rainier Dischinger
Director of Grants
Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Grants

Brenda Doak
Coordinator or Paralegal Program and Professor
Business, Education, Honors, Socials, and Behavioral Sciences

Bryan Doak
Vice President for Student Services
Student Services

Alejandro Dominguez
Financial Aid Manager-Operational
Financial Aid

Scott Donnelly
Professor of Chemistry and OER Lead Faculty

Thomas Dority
Facilities Management & Planning

Jeffrey Draper
Instructor Masonry - Prison Programs Faculty
Career and Technical Education
Arizona State Prison - Yuma-Building 8
(928) 627-8866

Lisa Dresden
Program Manager
Talent Search

Joaquin Duarte
Facilities Management & Planning

Kristine Duke
Professor of Accounting
Business, Education, Honors, Socials, and Behavioral Sciences


Arizona Western College departments.

Title Phone Number Email
Academic Services - -
AccessABILITY Resources (Disability Services) (928) 344-7674 accessability@azwestern.edu
Admissions and Registration (928) 344-7550 admissions@azwestern.edu
Advancement (928) 317-6250 michelle.struck@azwestern.edu
Advisement Services (928) 344-7624 advisement.services@azwestern.edu
Allied Health (928) 344-7552 alliedhealth@azwestern.edu
Assessment & Scheduling (928) 317-6043 assessment@azwestern.edu
Athletics (928) 344-7536 cindy.evans@azwestern.edu
AWC Foundation (928) 344-1720 foundation@azwestern.edu
Business Services - -
Business, Education, Honors, Socials, and Behavioral Sciences - -
CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program) (928) 317-7627 CAMP@azwestern.edu
Campus Life (928) 344-7576 Campus.Life@azwestern.edu
Campus Police (928) 314-9500 campus.police@azwestern.edu
Career and Advisement Services (928) 344-7624 career.services@azwestern.edu
Career and Technical Education (928) 344-7567 career.tech@azwestern.edu
Cashier's (928) 317-7666 accounts.receivable@azwestern.edu
Child Development (928) 317-6107 graciela.garcia@azwestern.edu
College Publications (928) 317-6299 CollegePubs@azwestern.edu
Communication and Marketing (928) 314-9594 mandy.heil@azwestern.edu
Communications - -
Conference and Events (928) 344-7716 events@azwestern.edu
Continuing Education (928) 317-7674 ContinuingEd@azwestern.edu
Curriculum (928) 317-6043 curriculum@azwestern.edu
Disbursement (928) 317-6053 disbursement@azwestern.edu
Distance Education (928) 317-6277 distance.education@azwestern.edu
Diversity - -
Early College Experience Office (928) 344-7550 dualcredit@azwestern.edu
Enrollment Services (928) 344-7550 -
Entrepreneurial College - -
Facilities Management & Planning (928) 314-9470 facilities@azwestern.edu
Finance and Administrative Services (928) 344-7522 renee.munoz@azwestern.edu
Financial Aid (928) 344-7634 financialaid@azwestern.edu
Health and Wellness (928) 344-7602 health.wellness@azwestern.edu
Human Resources (928) 344-7505 human.resources@azwestern.edu
Inclusion and Access - -
Information Technology Services & Support (928) 317-5892 ServiceDesk@azwestern.edu
Institutional Effectiveness (928) 344-7620 IERG@azwestern.edu
Instruction & Development - -
Instructional Quality and Faculty Development (928) 344-7757 CIE@azwestern.edu
International Students Program (928) 317-6091 international.students@azwestern.edu
KAWC - Yuma Public Radio (928) 344-7690 info@kawc.org
KEYS Program (928) 344-7761 keys@azwestern.edu
Law Enforcement Training Academy (LETA) (928) 317-6452 lupe.fuentes@azwestern.edu
Learning Services (928) 344-7519 karen.davila@azwestern.edu
Liberal Arts & Education (928) 344-7591 -
Library Services (928) 344-7777 library@azwestern.edu
Mailroom/Receiving (928) 317-7511 yessica.villa@azwestern.edu
Mathematics (928) 344-7598 alexis.gorman@azwestern.edu
Military and Veteran Services (928) 344-7622 veteran.services@azwestern.edu
Modern Languages (928) 344-7591 natali.zarate@azwestern.edu
Nursing (928) 317-6049 nursing@azwestern.edu
Office of the President (928) 344-7501 ashley.herrington@azwestern.edu
Physical and Wellness Education (928) 344-7598 alexis.gorman@azwestern.edu
Printing Programs and Services (928) 314-9580 print.services@azwestern.edu
Purchasing & Auxiliary Services (928) 314-9517 purchasing@azwestern.edu
Radiologic Technology (928) 344-7552 radiology@azwestern.edu
Research and Grants (928) 344-7620 IERG@azwestern.edu
Risk Management (928) 314-9474 risk.management@azwestern.edu
Science (928) 344-7598 alexis.gorman@azwestern.edu
Small Business Development Center (928) 317-6151 leticia.williams@azwestern.edu
Social Sciences (928) 344-7689 annie.welker@azwestern.edu
Student Resources Services (928) 344-7602 adriana.martinez@azwestern.edu
Student Services (928) 317-7642 veronica.koepp@azwestern.edu
Student Success Center (928) 317-6029 success.center@azwestern.edu
Talent Search (928) 317-6036 talent.search@azwestern.edu
Television Services (928) 317-5895 tvservices@azwestern.edu
Testing Services (928) 344-7641 testing@azwestern.edu
Transfer Services (928) 344-7638 transfer.services@azwestern.edu
Upward Bound (928) 317-6036 upward.bound@azwestern.edu
Visual and Performing Arts (928) 344-7591 Fine.Arts@azwestern.edu
Web Services (928) 317-5892 ServiceDesk@azwestern.edu
Workforce Development (928) 317-7674 ContinuingEd@azwestern.edu
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (928) 317-7000 tammy.daily@azwestern.edu