Arizona Western College defines Shared Governance as a system of decision-making incorporating the informed collective input of stakeholders willing to participate in the deliberative process for the best interest of the college and the communities we serve.
Agenda Item/Proposal Form
This form is to facilitate the processes of shared governance of this institution. It is possible for any student or employee of the institution to submit an item/proposal for discussion in order to enhance the development and support the implementation of the strategic plan for the betterment of the institution.
Group Creation Proposal Form
Please refer to Shared Governance Handbook Section 6: Committee, Workgroup, and Taskforce Creation & Protocols for further details related to facilitation and documentation of committee work.
Form Note:
- Individuals/groups who submit a form should plan on attending the Council meeting when the submitted item is scheduled to be discussed. The Council Leadership will inform the submitter of the date and time.
- Councils will respond to a submitted request within two weeks of the forms being submitted and will provide a response via email within two weeks after the item is discussed at the Council meeting.
Shared Governance Visual

Shared Governance Councils
Academic Council
The purpose of the Academic Council is to monitor, provide input, and make recommendations on procedures concerning academic and curricular issues. It may also provide input, make recommendations, decisions, and approvals concerning academic and curricular practices. It also oversees and decides on matters from committees, workgroups, and taskforces concerned with specific issues related to these areas. Authority: For matters of strict academic and curricular concern, the Academic Council has the authority to make decisions; though some decisions may require final approval from the College Governance Council, College President, or the District Governing Board.
Such areas include:
- Chair – Robert Killin
Vice-chair – Anthony Gier
Past chair – Lisa Swenson
Secretary – Peggy Locklear
CGC Rep – Terry Williams
College Governance Council (CGC)
The College Governance Council (CGC) exists to ensure district-wide representation in larger matters impacting the college by establishing and maintaining consistent communication, transparency, and accountability standards in order to focus efforts on our College mission for student success.
Purview of the CGC: All areas of college interest that exceed any individual council’s or association’s area of purview.
Relation to President: The CGC shall function primarily as a recommending body to the College President.
Membership: Cabinet, PAA representative, CEA representative, Faculty Senate representative, 5 Master council representatives.
- Chair – Dr. Daniel Corr
Vice-chair – Terry Williams
Secretary – Ashley Herrington (filling-in)
Community Advancement Council
The purpose of the Community Advancement Council to monitor, provide input, and make recommendations on procedures concerning the college’s partnerships with other Yuma and La Paz county institutions and the college’s public face. It may also provide input, make recommendations, decisions, and approvals concerning practices involving those same issues. It also oversees and decides on matters from committees, workgroups, and taskforces concerned with specific issues related to these areas.
For matters strictly concerned with the college’s external relations, the Community Advancement Council has the authority to make decisions; though some decisions may require final approval from the College Governance Council, College President, or the District Governing Board.
Such areas include:
- Chair – Lydia Mendoza
Vice-chair – Sarah Herman
Past chair – Nikki Hage
Secretary – Jacolby Young
CGC Rep – Gladys Anaya
District Operations Council
The purpose of the District Operations Council is to monitor, provide input, and make recommendations on procedures concerning services and activities that support, enhance, and maintain the quality of services and facilities for staff and students. It may also provide input, make recommendations, decisions, and approvals concerning practices involving those same issues. It oversees and decides on proposed actions coming from committees, workgroups, and taskforces concerned with more specific issues related to such services and activities.
For matters strictly concerned with district services, the District Operations Council has the authority to make decisions; though some decisions may require final approval from the College Governance Council, College President, or the District Governing Board.
Such areas include:
- Chair – Bradley Baird
Vice-chair – Jana Moore
Past chair – Sharon Register
Secretary – Robin Cooper
CGC Rep – Steve Suho
Institutional Development Council
The purpose of the Institutional Development Council is to monitor, provide input, and make recommendations on procedures concerning the assessment and enhancement of college-wide services broadly conceived. It may also provide input, make recommendations, decisions, and approvals concerning practices involving those same issues. It also oversees and decides on matters from committees, workgroups, and taskforces concerned with specific issues related to these areas.
For matters strictly concerned with institutional enhancement, the Institutional Development Council has the authority to make decisions; though some decisions may require final approval from the College Governance Council, College President, or the District Governing Board.
Such areas include:
- Chair – Nik Byle
Vice-chair – Martha Cordova
Past chair – Joann Chang
Secretary – Angelica Gonzalez
CGC Rep – Cristina Gonzalez
Student Experience Council
The purpose of the Student Experience Council is to monitor, provide input, and make recommendations on procedures concerning services and activities that support and enhance the student experience at all AWC campuses. It may also provide input, make recommendations, decisions, and approvals concerning practices involving those same issues. It oversees and decides on proposed actions coming from committees, workgroups, and taskforces concerned with more specific issues related to such services and activities. Authority: For matters strictly concerned with the student experience outside of the classroom, the Student Experience Council has the authority to make decisions; though some decisions may require final approval from the College Governance Council, College President, or the District Governing Board.
Such areas include:
- Chair – Claudia Orozco
Vice-chair – Travis Mitchell
Past chair – Susanna Zambrano
Secretary – Jodi Trout
CGC Rep – Dubia Zaragoza